Digital Innovator

Carlos Hank González has guided a team that digitally transformed and helped make Banorte the leader in the Mexican banking industry.

During 2020, he focused Banorte’s innovation strategy on digitalizing and achieving a closer understanding of its clients through artificial intelligence. Grupo Financiero Banorte’s global innovation strategy seeks to address the rapid pace of change taking place in the global financial industry.

The world does not stop. It changes, it evolves … and Mexico transforms with it.

“Banorte is a better organization because of the use of data with a culture open to experimentation,” Carlos Hank González said.

That technological push and creative drive have been widely praised. The globally prestigious Alconics award, recognized artificial intelligence applications developed by Banorte. Also, the RemTECH Awards recognized UniTeller, Banorte’s remittance division, as the best payments platform as a service. Medallia named Banorte one of the leading companies in customer experience transformation.

This transformation has a long tail. In 2013, Banorte became the first bank to offer a digital pay card designed for e-commerce with a remarkable security feature, generating a digital card with a one-time password as a dual authentication factor. This both mitigated fraud risk and increased usage, resulting in five times more transaction with digital cards.

In 2018, Banorte became the only bank to offer credit line increases through digital banking. More recently, Banorte pioneered biometric identification for all of its 11 million customers, making it the first fully digital process for credit card origination via mobile banking.

Among other initiatives, Banorte has backed digital hubs, a transformation ecosystem in Mexico that brings together companies, academic institutions, entrepreneurs and digital talent. They co-exist in an environment that seeks to revolutionize organizations and communities through the use of technology and digital business models.

These companies share a common vision of fostering transformation through corporate innovation, collaboration with entrepreneurial ecosystems and the creation of a talent seedbed to capitalize on global emerging opportunities.

“We’re not doing digital banking. We’re doing banking in a digital age,” Carlos Hank González said.

His commitment to offering self-service tools to customers positioned Banorte to respond when COVID-19 pandemic hit, with remote digital transactions leading growth of more than 50% annually in 1Q21. Thanks to digital acceleration, today less than 4% of total transactions are done in branches.




LESS THAN 4% of total transactions are done in branches

We’re not doing digital banking. We’re doing banking in a digital age.

Late in 2020, Grupo Financiero Banorte entered into a joint venture with Rappi to reach the unbanked with the new RappiCard credit card.

“At Banorte, we have used technology as the main axis for financial inclusion, as well as alliances with correspondents that have allowed us to offer our services and products to people who otherwise would not have access to them,” he said.

And in 2019, onstage at Banorte Forum, Carlos Hank González interviewed Sophia the Robot, a social humanoid robot, about hers view on automation and responsible artificial intelligence. Asked her vision for the future: that “humans be more humanitarian.”

After their conversation, he gave her a Banorte credit card, making her the first robot to get a credit card in Mexico.