Banorte is bringing the ease of WhatsApp to its latest digital initiative launch. The service offers customers the ability to reserve appointments on WhatsApp, providing a convenient way to schedule in-branch services.

Booking appointments through WhatsApp will be a unique service in Mexico and allow users to schedule appointments for nine different banking services on the date and time they choose and at any of the bank’s more than 1,100 branches throughout the country. 

The new launch is part of an evolution in Banorte’s customer experience model and is another step in the bank’s commitment towards innovation in providing personalized experiences and services for its customers.

“We continue to think outside the box and acquire unique partnerships that best serve our customer,” said Banorte Chairman Carlos Hank González. “We want customers to decide when, where and how they prefer to interact with Banorte that works best with their individual lifestyle.”

Banorte initially implemented the WhatsApp appointment system in 2020 in an effort to address excessive lines at its branches and avoid the risk of spreading COVID-19. In 2021, branches began to provide additional online options to reserve service appointments.

WhatsApp appointments will service operations such as opening accounts; contracting loans, investment funds, promissory notes and insurance; card delivery and replacement; digital banking contracting; clarifications and data updates.

Carlos Hank González has long been a champion of digital initiatives at Banorte. In 2013, Banorte became the first bank to offer a digital pay card designed for e-commerce with a remarkable security feature, generating a digital card with a one-time password as a dual authentication factor.

In 2018, the institution became the only bank to offer credit line increases through digital banking.

In June 2021, Banorte and Google Cloud joined forces to accelerate the bank’s digital transformation and develop key actions, such as cybersecurity focused on threat detection.

This year, Banorte joined the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, to provide digital bank account access to refugees in Mexico, opening more employment opportunities as they seek a new life in that country.

In a recent report, Credit Suisse highlighted Banorte’s efforts in digital innovation, stating it was ahead of the curve in digitalization and client centricity.